(702) 212-5000

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CAD11424, CM10504

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Emergency Contact Info


Your Contact Information – Resident Information Form

If you haven’t updated and submitted a Resident Information Form at least once a year, this is a good time to do so.

The form also includes a section for emergency contact information for tenants.

The form is available from your association or their management company.

Your contact information is handled confidentially and only used by the Board of Directors and its agents on an as needed basis. Resident contact information is not sold or given to a third-party entity or to other residents.

Report a Community Emergency

If you observe or have been affected by a crime, contact Metro immediately. Later, inform the management company of the situation. Use your best judgment if it can be reported on the next business day or not.

If you observe or have been affected by a non-criminal emergency, during off-hours or weekends, contact your management company at the regular phone number. Their answering service will contact the manager.

You may also leave non-emergency messages with the answering service during off-hours or weekends. A manager will not be contacted for non-emergencies, but a message will be relayed on the next regular business day.


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