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Homeowner Education


Together, We All Make A Difference!
We Can Never Have Too Many Volunteers

Either come to a Board Meeting and talk to the Board directly or contact your management company if you have any interest whatsoever in doing something/anything in the community. While there are standard committees commonly set up in any association, if you have a special interest or talent, absolutely raise your hand and tell them what you would like to do. Typical committees are:
    • ARC Committee
    • Compliance Committee
    • Finance/Budget Committee
    • Neighborhood Watch
    • Parking Enforcement Committee
    • Social Committee
    • Ad Hoc Committee. From time to time the Board may have a need to establish a short-term, special project committee.

Everyone wants the same thing — to have a nice, comfortable, feel good community in which to live and to maintain property values the best we can within our control. The volunteer Board of Directors can’t do it all alone. We are all in this together, side-by-side. A few hours of volunteer time can make a difference.

Calling All Homeowners & Residents!
The more participation and involvement in your community, the better. Every single homeowner and resident in the Association has an impact on the health of your community. There are various volunteer opportunities available. Contact your management company for more information.

Even if you don’t serve on the Board, or volunteer on a committee, or volunteer for an ad hoc project, you absolutely make a difference in your community simply by keeping your property maintained and following the rules.

Introduce yourself to your immediate neighbors. Watch out for each other, without being intrusive, so you recognize if something doesn’t seem right. Keep your eyes and ears open.

If you see a crime in progress or suspicious activity, call 911 immediately. If there was vandalism already or other crime activity, report it to 311. Get it on record. Contact your management company, too, so they can let the Board know and through Newsletters and/or your community website, the Board can share such information.

Hopefully, everyone wants community spirit and community pride!!

Come to Board Meetings
Board Meetings are held either monthly, quarterly or annually. Check with your management company to find out when your meetings are held. Meeting Notices are mailed to homeowners approximately 10-15 days before the scheduled meeting date. The Meeting Notice will include information about the location, date, time, and most likely a draft agenda. Board Meetings are even held on a Saturday sometimes, again, in the interest of homeowner convenience.

The Board Meeting typically has three sessions.
    • Homeowner’s Forum
    • Business Session
    • Executive Session  

National Satisfaction Survey
An estimated 54 million Americans live in some 274,000 homeowner associations, condominium communities, cooperatives and other planned developments.

More than seven in 10 community association residents expressed satisfaction with their community experience.

Almost 40 percent of community association residents say they are “very pleased,” with only 10 percent expressing some level of dissatisfaction. Almost 20 percent expressed neither point of view.

88 percent believe their governing boards strive to serve the best interests of the community.

90 percent say they are on friendly terms with their association board members, with just 4 percent indicating a negative relationship.

86 percent say they get along well with their immediate neighbors, with just 5 percent reporting a negative relationship. Of those who reported issues with neighbors, the most common problems were pets, general lifestyle, noise, and parking.

78 percent believe community association rules “protect and enhance” property values, while only one in 100 say rules harm property values. About 20 percent see no difference.

88 percent of residents who have interacted with professional community managers say the experience has been positive.

Research study sponsored by the Foundation for Community Association Research. Survey conducted by Zogby intematonal, a leading public opinion research form. Based on telephone surveys conducted in the survey has a margin of error of plus/m.nus 3.5 percentage points.

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