High School Students Paint Mural on Pecos/Arroyo Trail
Twelve lucky teens had the opportunity this summer to be paid to paint mural artwork on the Pecos/Arroyo trail. The agreement was arranged by The Monkey Gym Inc, a local non-profit, who has partnered with Clark County’s Friends of Winchester, The Summer Business Institute and HOA Collections to have high school students beautify the new trail system in this east side neighborhood. The students are serving the community by bringing back the nature that they lost through the artwork on the wall. The design for the wall brings back the alligator that was once living in the wash; the design through the rest of the mural portray the wetland that existed before the nature was washed away by the flood approximately thirteen years ago. The students worked with Mike Randolph of HOA Collections and a board member of The Paradise Greens HOA directly across from the sight. The collaborations have played a major role in the actual design and scene on the wall. Randolph commented, “As soon as I heard about this project I knew I had to be involved. HOA Collections donated the funds to purchase needed supplies and I got to work directly with the teens coaching them on communication skills and how to work with others.” Mike adds, “The whole project was a blast from start to finish and I’m honored to of had the opportunity to be involved.”
Watch the thank you video from Mike Randolph of HOA Collections to the students of the Mural Wall
Click here to watch the video produced by Clark County Nevada
Click here to watch the video produced by the Summer Business Institute students