We offer friendly and personalized service, monthly reporting on all accounts, and we treat all homeowners with respect and consideration. We look for the most suitable resolution to problem. The key is to resolve the delinquency, recover the money, and save you time and money whenever possible. This may take the form of a payment plan, and this is where we shine. The most important and rewarding aspect to collection is to give a homeowner an opportunity to bring their account current and become a productive paying member of the Association. Using respect and dignity, we assist the homeowner with an acceptable plan to bring their past due balance current while maintaining the payment of their current dues which increases, the Association’s “Bottom Line”. This area takes experience and finesse. Our trained staff does everything possible to find the most satisfactory resolution without waiving your rights.
- No-Risk Collections
- Highly Competitive Rates
- No Hidden Costs
- Creditor Bankruptcy Services